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Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Blonde gyaru: mini rant about Asian hair (>_<。)

Is it just me.
Is it just me.
But everytime I look in the mirror I'd think, "time for a new colour" or  "I need a bit of a trim". 
But when I finally decide to dye my hair or cut it, I look in the mirror and for some unknown reason, my hair looks nice. Styled on its own. Light hitting it at just the right angle to make the colour look nice.

Right so my natural hair colour is dark brown. It's been dyed since I was... 12 or maybe earlier. Right now it's ombre, with the tips being copper- fading into light brown. Copper is a bad bad colour. For Asians it's a sign that you've bleached your hair, and totally failed. Maybe not failed. But bleach + black or dark brown hair goes copper. And then you're supposed to put toner or dye it the right colour. Which I didn't do because my mom was all "oooooohhhh you're gonna damage your hair ><" and it kinda looked ok copper.. kinda..not really.. kinda.

So yeah. Why the sudden urge to change colour. Well I was going to buy hair extensions because my hair is as flat as my chest lol. Plus I had a bob last year, meaning it's still pretty short today. Problem is, it's incredibly hard to find hair extensions that do copper shades.

Sooooooo. It has to be dyed. I really really want Shiori Sega's hair!! Ash blonde is sooo nice.
Left: lighter. Right: darker shade of ash blonde
I'm sure I'm going to need to dye my hair multiple times before I can reach this shade.

But then again, let's take a second to appreciate a few gyaru models, including Mana Honda and Tsubasa Masuwaka, who've pulled of a brassy blonde hair colour.
Not so bad right. Not until your roots start growing. So you think, go ombre, that should solve it. But you have to wait half a year or so to let it grow long enough to look ombre.


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